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20 naposledy vložených publikácií

  1. Z. Ontkovičová – Y. Narukawa – K. Fujimoto – V. Torra: The Past and Future of Fuzzy Measures and Fuzzy Integrals. V Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, Springer Nature Switzerland, str. 3–7, 2024.
  2. E. PavlovičováJ. VarganP. BakaráčM. FikarJ. Oravec: Offset-free MPC of Temperature in Smart Greenhouse VESNA. V Preprints of the 8th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, IFAC, str. 314–317, 2024.   Zenodo
  3. J. Oravec: Umelá inteligencia - dobrý sluha, zlý pán?, V Horizonty chémie, Slovenská chemická knižnica, zv. 38, str. 97–119, 2024.
  4. D. Horváth – M. Klaučo – M. Strémy: Virtual Commissioning with TIA Step7 and Simulink without S-Functions. Journal of Engineering, 2024.   Zenodo
  5. V. Dulio – N. Alygizakis – K. Ng – E. L. Schymanski – S. Andres – K. Vorkamp – J. Hollender – S. Finckh – R. Aalizadeh – L. Ahrens – E. Bouhoulle – Ľ. Čirka – A. Derksen – G. Deviller – A. Duffek – M. Esperanza – S. Fischer – Q. Fu – P. Gago-Ferrero – P. Haglund – M. Junghans – S. A. E. Kools – J. Koschorreck – B. Lopez – M. L. de Alda – G. Mascolo – C. Miege – L. Oste – S. O'Toole – P. Rostkowski – T. Schulze – K. Sims – L. Six – J. Slobodník – P. Staub – G. Stroomberg – N. S. Thomaidis – A. Togola – G. Tomasi – P. C. von der Ohe: Beyond target chemicals: updating the NORMAN prioritisation scheme to support the EU chemicals strategy with semi-quantitative suspect/non-target screening data. Environmental Sciences Europe, č. 1, zv. 36, 2024.
  6. M. Ružička – I. Helgeland – R. Paulen: Modelling and Simulation of a Forward Osmosis Process. Editor(i): Flavio Manenti, G.V. Rex Reklaitis, V 34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering /15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, zv. 53, str. 319–324, 2024.   Zenodo
  7. P. ValábekM. FikarM. Klaučo: Enhancing Closed-Loop Performance in Manufacturing Processes Using Universal Controller Tuning for Industrial Practice. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, str. 375–380, 2024.   Zenodo
  8. R. Dyrska – S. Leonow – M. Fikar – M. Mönnigmann: A Feasibility Condition for the Governor-based Tuning of Explicit MPC: Application to a Hydraulic Plant. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, str. 540–545, 2024.   Zenodo
  9. R. Fáber – M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – R. Paulen: Integrated Data Analytics and Regression Techniques for Real-time Anomaly Detection in Industrial Processes. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, str. 320–325, 2024.   Zenodo
  10. M. KlaučoP. Valábek: Application of Machine Learning in Accelerating MPC for Chemical Processes. V 12th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, 2024.   Zenodo
  11. Z. Ontkovičová – V. Torra: Computation of Choquet integrals: Analytical approach for continuous functions. Information Sciences, zv. 679, str. 121105, 2024.
  12. L. GalčíkováJ. Oravec: Self-tunable approximated explicit MPC: Heat exchanger implementation and analysis. Journal of Process Control, zv. 140, str. 103260, 2024.   Zenodo
  13. T. Visnyai: Convergence of series along the sets from special ideal. V Matematika, informační technologie a aplikované vedy, Univerzita obrany, Brno, str. 27–27, 2024.
  14. P. Viceník: Explicit formulas for t-conorms constructed by the sum of ranges of discrete additive generators of t-conorms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 485, 2024.
  15. D. Dzurková – O. Mészáros – M. Kalúz: Privacy Preserving Approximated Optimal Control of Pasteurization Unit Using Homomorphic Encryption. Editor(i): Louise Travé-Massuyès, V 12th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, International Federation of Automatic Control, č. 4, zv. 58, str. 544–549, 2024.   Zenodo
  16. M. Gall – L. Bučinský – M. Štekláč – J. Matúška – M. Pitoňák: Neural Networks Prediction of Docking Scores. V XXIX. International Conference on Coordination and Bioinorganic Chemistry, str. 29–29, 2024.
  17. R. Fáber – M. Mojto – K. Ľubušký – R. Paulen: From Data to Alarms: Data-driven Anomaly Detection Techniques in Industrial Settings. Editor(i): Flavio Manenti, G.V. Rex Reklaitis, V 34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering /15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, zv. 53, str. 2857–2862, 2024.   Zenodo
  18. N. Alygizakis – K. Ng – Ľ. Čirka – T. Berendonk – F. Cerqueira – E. Cytryn – G. Deviller – G. Fortunato – I. C. Iakovides – I. Kampouris – I. Michael-Kordatou – F. Y. Lai – L. Lundy – C. M. Manaia – R. B. M. Marano – G. K. Paulus – B. Pina – E. Radu – L. Rizzo – K. Slipko – N. Kreuzinger – N. S. Thomaidis – V. Ugolini – I. Vaz-Moreira – J. Slobodník – D. Fatta-Kassinos: Making waves: The NORMAN antibiotic resistant bacteria and resistance genes database (NORMAN ARB & ARG) - An invitation for collaboration to tackle antibiotic resistance. Water Research, č. 257, 2024.
  19. M. Belušková: Developing a Mobile Application for Remote Monitoring and Control of the VESNA Smart Greenhouse. Bakalárska práca, ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2024.
  20. I. Dukayová: Touchless Drone Navigation via Hand Gestures. Bakalárska práca, ÚIAM FCHPT STU v Bratislave, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, 2024.
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