Číslo projektu:
VEGA 1/0267/21
Názov projektu:
Agregácia neurčitých dát reprezentovaných intervalmi a vektormi
Grantová schéma:
Typ projektu:
Výskumné projekty VEGA
Začiatok projektu:
Koniec projektu:
Zodpovedný riešiteľ:
Zdenko Takáč
Zástupca zodpovedného riešiteľa:
Anna Kolesárová
Lenka Galčíková, Ľubomíra Horanská, Naďa Krivoňáková, Peter Viceník, Tomáš Visnyai



  1. Ľ. Horanská – R. Mesiar: Constructions of aggregation functions based on generalized Möbius transform. V Book of Abstracts of The Seventeenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 27–28, 2024.
  2. N. Krivoňáková – I. Hrivová: Improving of mathematical education of generation Z. Editor(i): Luis Gómez Chova, Chelo González Martínez, Joanna Lees, V 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, IATED Academy, Valencia, Spain, str. 5020–5026, 2024.
  3. I. Rodriguez – Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč – F. Herrera – H. Bustince: Fusion function combination through an extension of penalty-based functions for feature reduction in Convolutional Neural Networks. V Book of Abstracts of The Seventeenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, str. 64–65, 2024.


  1. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: I_{c}^{g}-convergence and regular matrix method of summability. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, V Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, str. 8–8, 2023.
  2. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the regular matrix method of summability and I_{c}^{g}-convergence. University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, str. 8–14, 2023.
  3. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Ľ. Horanská – J. Lafuente – R. Mesiar – G. P. Dimuro – Z. Takáč – M. Goméz – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Degree of totalness: How to choose the best admissible permutation for vector fuzzy integration. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 466, 2023.
  4. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. Takáč – J. Fernandez – Ľ. Horanská – G. P. Dimuro – S. Montes – H. Bustince – I. Diaz: VCI-LSTM: Vector Choquet Integral-Based Long Short-Term Memory. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 7, zv. 31, str. 2238–2250, 2023.
  5. M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – R. Mesiar – M. Minárová – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Multivalued data fusion by means of a selection of maximal admissible permutations. Editor(i): Sebastia Massanet, Susana Montes, Daniel Ruiz-Aguilera and Manuel González-Hidalgo, V Book of Abstracts EUSFLAT 2023 and AGOP 2023, SCOPIA Research Group. Universitat de les Illes Balears, str. 98–98, 2023.
  6. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: On comonotone k-maxitive aggregation functions. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 462, str. 1–11, 2023.
  7. Z. Ontkovičová: Fuzzy approach to differential entropy. V Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, str. 156–167, 2023.
  8. A. F. Roldán López de Hierro – C. Roldán – M. Á. Tíscar – Z. Takáč – R. H. N. Santiago – G. P. Dimuro – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: Type-(2,k) Overlap Indices. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 3, zv. 31, str. 860–874, 2023.
  9. Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – I. Rodriguez – H. Bustince: Fusion functions based on a soft-penalty function. V Proceedings The 20th International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI 2023, Umea, Sweden 19 - 22 June, 2023, str. 177–188, 2023.


  1. V. Baláž – A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: I_{c}^{g}-convergence and M_{p,g} summability of sequences of real numbers. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, V Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, str. 8–8, 2022.
  2. L. De Miguel – R. H. N. Santiago – C. Wagner – J. Garibaldi – Z. Takáč – A. F. Roldán López de Hierro – H. Bustince: Extension of Restricted Equivalence Functions and Similarity Measures for Type-2 Fuzzy Sets. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, č. 9, zv. 30, str. 4005–4016, 2022.
  3. J. Fumanal – Z. Takáč – J. Fernandez – J. A. Sanz – H. Goyena – C. Lin – Y. Wang – H. Bustince: Interval-Valued Aggregation Functions Based on Moderate Deviations Applied to Motor-Imagery-Based Brain–Computer Interface. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, str. 2706–2720, 2022.
  4. J. Fumanal – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – T. Asmus – G. P. Dimuro – C. Vidaurre – J. Fernandez – H. Bustince: A generalization of the Sugeno integral to aggregate interval-valued data: An application to brain computer interface and social network analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 451, str. 320–341, 2022.
  5. J. Fumanal – Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská – H. Bustince – O. Cordón: Fuzzy Clustering to Encode Contextual Information in Artistic Image Classification. V Communications in Computer and Information Science, 19th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems 2022, str. 355–366, 2022.
  6. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč: On comonotone k-maxitive aggregation functions. V Book of Abstracts of The Sixteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, University of Ostrava, str. 34–35, 2022.
  7. R. Mesiar – A. Kolesárová: Rectangles-based discrete universal fuzzy integrals. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, zv. 148, str. 162–173, 2022.
  8. R. Mesiar – A. Kolesárová – T. Senapati: Aggregation on lattices isomorphic to the lattice of closed intervals of the real unit interval. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 441, str. 262–278, 2022.
  9. R. Mesiar – A. Kolesárová – A. Sheikhi: Convex concordance measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 448, str. 366–377, 2022.
  10. R. H. N. Santiago – M. Sesma-Sara – J. Fernandez – Z. Takáč – R. Mesiar – H. Bustince: F-homogeneous functions and a generalization of directional monotonicity. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, zv. 37, str. 5949–5970, 2022.
  11. Z. TakáčĽ. Horanská: Ordering intervals by degree of totalness. V Uncertainty Modelling 2022, Book of abstracts, str. 25–25, 2022.
  12. Z. Takáč – M. Uriz – M. Galar – D. Paternain – H. Bustince: Discrete IV dG-Choquet integrals with respect to admissible orders. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 451, str. 169–195, 2022.
  13. P. Viceník: The construction of discrete additive generators of t-conorms based on the sum of ranges of discrete additive generators of t-conorms. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 448, str. 157–172, 2022.


  1. G. Beliakov – S. James – A. Kolesárová – R. Mesiar: Cardinality-limiting extended pre-aggregation functions. Information Fusion, zv. 76, str. 66–74, 2021.
  2. Ľ. HoranskáZ. Takáč – H. Bustince: Generalization of interval-valued Sugeno integral. V IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021, str. 75–75, 2021.
  3. L. Jin – A. Kolesárová – R. Mesiar: Semicopula based integrals. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, zv. 412, str. 106–119, 2021.
  4. A. Kolesárová – L. Jin – R. Mesiar: Scaled aggregation functions. Information Sciences, zv. 575, str. 206–216, 2021.
  5. A. Kolesárová – R. Mesiar: Aggregation based on outliers. V Joint Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of IFSA, the 12th Conference of EUSFLAT, and the 11th International Summer School on AGOP. Atlantis Studies in Uncertainty Modelling, Atlantis Press, Dordrecht, zv. 3, str. 584–588, 2021.
  6. A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the summability of divergent sequences. Editor(i): Miroslav Hrubý, Edita Kolářová, V Mathematics, Information Technologies And Applied Sciences, University of Defence, Brno, Šumavská 4, Czech Republic, str. 22–22, 2021.
  7. A. MaťašovskýT. Visnyai: On the summability of non-convergent sequences of elements of Banach space. Mathematics, Information Technologies and Applied Sciences 2021, post-conference proceedings of extended versions of selected papers, str. 81–87, 2021.
  8. B. Pekala – U. Bentkowska – D. Kosior – Z. Takáč – A. Castillo – M. Sesma-Sara – J. Fernandez – J. Lafuente – H. Bustince: Interval‐valued equivalence measures respecting uncertainty in image processing. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, zv. 36, str. 2767–2796, 2021.
  9. S. Saminger-Platz – A. Kolesárová – A. Šeliga – R. Mesiar – E. Klement: New results on perturbation-based copulas. Dependence Modeling, č. 1, zv. 9, str. 347–373, 2021.
  10. Z. Takáč – M. Ferrero-Jaurieta – Ľ. HoranskáN. Krivoňáková – G. P. Dimuro – H. Bustince: Enhancing LSTM for sequential image classification by modifying data aggregation. V 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET), str. 1–6, 2021.
  11. Z. Takáč – M. Uriz – M. Galar – D. Paternain – H. Bustince: Combining classifiers with the interval-valued Choquet integral. V IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021, str. 79–79, 2021.


Zodpovednosť za obsah: doc. Ing. Ľuboš Čirka, PhD.
Posledná aktualizácia: 06.01.2021 12:40
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