V utorok 13.06.2017 o 14:00 sa v miestnosti 641
uskutoční odborný seminár pod vedením profesora Borisa Housku zo ShaghaiTech University na tému Self-reflective model predictive control.
Abstrakt (EN): This talk is about a novel control scheme, named
self-reflective model predictive control, which takes its own
limitations in the presence of process noise and measurement errors into
account. In contrast to existing output-feedback MPC and persistently
exciting MPC controllers, self-reflective MPC controllers do not only
propagate a matrix-valued state forward in time in order to predict the
variance of future state-estimates, but they also propagates a
matrix-valued adjoint state backward in time. This adjoint state is used
by the controller to compute and minimize a second order approximation
of its own expected loss of control performance in the presence of
random process noise and inexact state estimates. A second part of the
talk introduces a real-time algorithm, which can exploit the particular
structure of the self-reflective MPC problems in order to speed-up the
online computation time. It is shown that, in contrast to generic
state-of-the-art optimal control problem solvers, the proposed algorithm
can solve the self-reflective optimization problems with reasonable
additional computational effort compared to standard MPC. The advantages
of the proposed real-time scheme are illustrated by applying it to a
benchmark predator-prey-feeding control problem.